Paying for your training by standing order
The payment is for your instruction and development in Tae Kwon Do led by an experienced Black Belt teaching team who will support and challenge your time in class, fees are based on either attending Monday or Wednesday sessions and are based on 48 weeks per year attendance.
Paying by standing order,
If you wish to set up payment via standing order, please use the following details to set up payment
If you wish to set up payment via standing order, please use the following details to set up payment

1 student once a week at either Hutton Moor or The Campus £35 per calendar month
1 student at Hutton Moor or The Campus and any other TAGB school in the South West £45 per calendar month
2 students once a week at either Hutton Moor or The Campus £61 per calendar month
2 students at Hutton Moor or The Campus and any other TAGB school in the South West £78 per calendar month
3 students once a week at either Hutton Moor or The Campus £88 per calendar month
3 students at Hutton Moor or The Campus and any other TAGB school in the South West £110 per calendar month
1 student at Hutton Moor or The Campus and any other TAGB school in the South West £45 per calendar month
2 students once a week at either Hutton Moor or The Campus £61 per calendar month
2 students at Hutton Moor or The Campus and any other TAGB school in the South West £78 per calendar month
3 students once a week at either Hutton Moor or The Campus £88 per calendar month
3 students at Hutton Moor or The Campus and any other TAGB school in the South West £110 per calendar month
For bigger family groups please call Master Lambert for your special rates
Our largest family group has five kids and both parents training together!
Our largest family group has five kids and both parents training together!
Suit & licence packages
You don't have to choose a starter pack, you can pay as you go, however, these starter packs offer you all you need to get started and help you fit in to reach your potential.