FWD Side kick, spin into L stance, knife hand strike
BWD L stance, low knife hand guarding block, slip front foot into walking stance circular block (37)
FWD Front leg hook kick side kick, rear leg turning kick, land L stance, knife hand guarding block
BWD Sitting stance, W shape block
FWD L stance, Knife hand guarding block, front leg front kick, land in walking stance, high flat finger tip thrust (37)
BWD Walking stance, X-fist pressing block, twin vertical punch
FWD Turning kick reverse turning kick (180°), land L stance, forearm guarding block
BWD L stance, low section double forearm block, slip the front foot into walking stance, high grab (37)
FWD Turning kick, downward kick (same leg), land L stance, forearm guarding block
BWD First 2 moves of Toi Gye
2 step sparring 1-8
1 step sparring (basic)
Free sparring
Flying Twimyo
Upset Finger Tips Dwijibun Sonkut
U Shaped Block Digutja Makgi
W Shaped Block San Makgi
Front Pushing Kick Ap Cha Milgi
Pattern of Your Choice (excluding Toi-Gye)
Pattern Set by the Grading Examiner
Toi-Gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th century), an authority on neo Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on 37 latitude, the diagram represents " scholar".
FWD Side kick, spin into L stance, knife hand strike
BWD L stance, low knife hand guarding block, slip front foot into walking stance circular block (37)
FWD Front leg hook kick side kick, rear leg turning kick, land L stance, knife hand guarding block
BWD Sitting stance, W shape block
FWD L stance, Knife hand guarding block, front leg front kick, land in walking stance, high flat finger tip thrust (37)
BWD Walking stance, X-fist pressing block, twin vertical punch
FWD Turning kick reverse turning kick (180°), land L stance, forearm guarding block
BWD L stance, low section double forearm block, slip the front foot into walking stance, high grab (37)
FWD Turning kick, downward kick (same leg), land L stance, forearm guarding block
BWD First 2 moves of Toi Gye
2 step sparring 1-8
1 step sparring (basic)
Free sparring
Flying Twimyo
Upset Finger Tips Dwijibun Sonkut
U Shaped Block Digutja Makgi
W Shaped Block San Makgi
Front Pushing Kick Ap Cha Milgi
Pattern of Your Choice (excluding Toi-Gye)
Pattern Set by the Grading Examiner
Toi-Gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th century), an authority on neo Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on 37 latitude, the diagram represents " scholar".