Guidelines For Dealing With An Accident / Incident
Minor Accidents / Incident are where the person concerned did not require hospital/ secondary treatment or police assistance is not required.
Major accidents / incidents are where the person concerned required secondary treatment or police assistance was required. Major accident / incidents also include any situation that you feel you need assistance with or feel the Club Health and Safety Officer / Child Protection Officer need to know about quicker than identified in the above minor accidents / incidents section.
Complete the Accident / Incident Report Form at the scene of the accident / incident ensuring that all sections are filled in and signed.
Keep the original of the Accident / Incident Report Form at the club. In addition to this a copy of the form should be sent to the association head office within 48 hours of the accident or incident occurring.
The Association Health and Safety Officer will forward a copy to the BTC Insurance Officer if required.
If the accident / incident involves a child / young person, ensure the parent / carer is advised of the details as soon as possible or at the end of the activity / training session. If relevant, contact the Association and BTC Child Protection Officers as described in the BTC Child Protection Policy using the Incident Referral Report Form.
Major accidents / incidents are where the person concerned required secondary treatment or police assistance was required. Major accident / incidents also include any situation that you feel you need assistance with or feel the Club Health and Safety Officer / Child Protection Officer need to know about quicker than identified in the above minor accidents / incidents section.
- Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation. Is there any danger of further injuries?
- Listen to what the injured person is saying. If the injury is minor, alert your first aider to take appropriate action.
- If the injury requires specialist treatment, call the emergency services.
- Deal with the rest of the group and ensure that they are adequately supervised (cancel the remainder of the session if necessary).
- Do not move someone with major injuries. Wait for the emergency services.
- Contact the injured person’s parent/carer.
- Complete an incident/accident report form.
Complete the Accident / Incident Report Form at the scene of the accident / incident ensuring that all sections are filled in and signed.
Keep the original of the Accident / Incident Report Form at the club. In addition to this a copy of the form should be sent to the association head office within 48 hours of the accident or incident occurring.
The Association Health and Safety Officer will forward a copy to the BTC Insurance Officer if required.
If the accident / incident involves a child / young person, ensure the parent / carer is advised of the details as soon as possible or at the end of the activity / training session. If relevant, contact the Association and BTC Child Protection Officers as described in the BTC Child Protection Policy using the Incident Referral Report Form.