The next competition will be the English Championships which is held on Sunday 24th March in Worcester Arena. The event is open to all students 9th kup and above, full details of the event can be found here. If you wish to take part or officiate I need completed applications forms and entry fees in by WEDNESDAY 6th March at the latest. The next competition after this will be the Welsh Championships on Sunday 19th May. Change of grading date. As GM Dew will be attending the European Championship the grading in May will now be on Monday 20th May at Broadoak College. 1st Kup & Black Belt training Sessions. The next round of training sessions will be at Hutton Moor on Sunday 31st March & Saturday 6th April. All back belts are to register before 9:30am. All 1st Kups are welcome to attend. These 2 hour sessions are overseen by GM Dew and taken by the senior instructors in the South West, it will be a great opportunity to train with other 1st Kups in the area and learn from other instructors. registration is from 11:00am Comments are closed.