Saturday classes. We will soon be putting on additional classes on Saturday mornings at the Campus, between 10-11am, overseen by Mr Chamberlain. These classes will focus on improving performance and technique as well as covering core items from the syllabus and pad work. These class are £5 per session which will be payable at the session. Southern Championships 2019 Your next chance to compete is the Southern Championships to be held on Saturday 5th October in Paignton. This event will celebrate Grand Master Dew’s 50 years in Tae Kwon Do, every competitor will receive a commemorative certificate as a keep sake.\If you want to enter please complete the entry form here and bring it into class along with entry fees by Monday 23rd September at the latest. Black Belt Officials must register themselves on-line here. Black Belt training. We have two upcoming Black Belt training sessions in Weston, remember you must attend at least one session per 6-month period to remain on target to take your next Dan grade. The sessions are hosted by Grand Master Dew. Any student wanting to come down and watch over 200 black belts training is welcome to come along and watch, unfortunately you are not allowed into the Dojang, but are welcome to watch from the many viewing areas. Sparring Equipment. Just to remind you all that only official TAGB or Tae Kwon Do International branded sparring kit can be worn at official events and in class. Also ripped or potentially hazardous kit must be replaced before attending any official events. Licences. Please ensure you keep you licence up to date, as we are moving to an on-line renewal system (for instructors to use) it is quicker for us to get licences back to you , but it will also note any breaks in licence cover which may affect your chances to attend your next grading. Calendar of events December Grading The next TAGB grading will be on Monday 2nd December.. lets all get ready for this and make it a great grading! Comments are closed.